Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Market Analysis of Donald B Free Samples â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Depth Market Analysis of Donald B. Answer: Introduction: Business expansion beyond going the regional market is one of the most effective aims of every organization. The primary objective of Donald B is to spread their widespread wings in international market. As per current business scenario, Donald B has opened two stores in Melbourne as the chocolate products maker. Providing quality of products along with effective services to the customers is the mission of Donald B. This very specific study has focused to provide detailed overview on how this organization in order to overcome a major competitive threat can use various strategies. The organization has decided to enter in the market of multi-national countries through the existing brands of Australia. The organization has decided to sell their chocolates by creating a specialty store in Coles and Woolworths, Aldi. Australia is already constituted with large number of existing recognizable brands producing cocoa product, confectionery, crystallized or glazed fruit, drinking chocolate, liquorices, marshmallow, candied nut, candied popcorn, etc. However, in order to gain competitive advantages Donald B would have to implement effective market strategies and policies. Before making strategy as per current market demand, the organization like Donald B would have to focus on micro-environmental analysis and macro environmental analysis of Australia. Market analysis: Before implementing particular business strategies for expanding entire wings of organization, the business experts have to conduct effective market analysis in order to know the current needs and demands of the customers (Solomon et al., 2014). In addition, effective market analysis helps to know the strengths and weakness of its competitors. Based on the weakness of competitors the organization has to make effective market plans and policies. Buyer behavior: Buyers behavior is the observational activity to get an overview about the needs and demands of the consumers. Before using a specific product, consumers intend to get detailed information about the brands and services (Goh, Heng and Lin, 2013). Some of the major factors are there that leave high influences on buying behavior of the consumers. The influences are as follows: Influences Definition Characteristics Cultural Based on the cultural backgrounds of people the customers purchasing behavior is highly dependent Cultures differ in language, communication, values and ethics. People having problem in language barrier may have to face difficulties in interacting with the service providers. As a result, those kinds of customers would like to feel hesitated in purchasing the products from Donald B. Social Social background of a customer influences highly on consuming fast food products As per the social backgrounds the consumers decided where they would access services of Donald B. People who are considered socially challenged due to low income status and religious as well as racial backgrounds have to face difficulties in purchasing products from Donald B. Purchasing chocolates and fast foods is luxury for them rather than necessity (Cantallops and Salvi, 2014). Personal Consuming fast food product is a personal choice based on which buyers consuming behavior is highly influenced. Due to any kind of personal crisis, the customers have to face challenges in purchasing luxurious products like chocolate. Psychological Psychological background of consumers does not allow people in purchasing fast foods Psychology of an individual varies based on the income status (Seiler, 2013). People having high-income status are flexible in purchasing fast moving consuming goods like chocolates. Table 1: Factors influencing consumer behavior (Source: Boztepe, 2012) Analysis: Based on the four influential factors on consuming behavior Donald B has implemented several market strategies to draw the attention of customers easily. The business experts of this specific organization have implemented low cost price strategy so that people having average income status can purchase the products and services from Donald B. The service providers of this organization have implemented multi-lingual flexibility with the help of which people of various cultural and language backgrounds and attitudes are not hesitated in communicating with the service providers (Cheung and Thadani, 2012). As per the cultural as well as ethical belief of the organization consumers of different geographical backgrounds and attitudes would be given equal priority and response. As a result, people would like to receive the services of this organization. Micro-environmental analysis: Micro-environmental analysis implies societal perspective on the internal resource allocation of the organization. After making an effective micro-environmental analysis, the organization can evaluate their strengths and weakness. In order to evaluate micro-environmental analysis of Donald B three major factors play the most significant role that is as follows: Suppliers and intermediaries: The role of suppliers and intermediaries leaves major significance, as the manufacturers are fully dependent on the quality of raw materials. Donald B in order to make a difference of their products as well as service tends to use extra cocoa butter so that it can easily draw the attention of children (Papadopoulos and Heslop, 2014). On the other hand, people of various geographical backgrounds and attitudes may not like vanilla essence. As a result, the organization has focused to manufacture their products based on chocolate flavor. As this organization has launched manufacturing business, the executives have focused to hire quality suppliers in terms of law materials. As a result, people would like to show their level of satisfaction for purchasing the products. Publics: People in general especially media are considered as public. After launching the entire process of business, the organization would have to focus on drawing the attention of media. Media vehicle is the most effective platform based on which the organization can reach the doorstep of consumers easily. Purchasing space or pages in media is a kind of advertisement for which the organization has to pay money (Wang, Yu and Wei, 2012). Apart from that, the business experts of Donald B like to maintain an effective PR relation with media so that they can draw the attention of media persons. Public would like to show their interest in purchasing products from new brands only when they would get a good review. Competitors analysis: Marketing strategies are implemented based on competitors current market threat. The business experts have to evaluate the strengths and weakness of its competitors. However, while evaluating the competitors current market position, the study has identified five major competitors of Donald B existing in the similar industry in the market of Australia. Competitors Overview of their competing offering Target market Positioning Cherry Ripe Introduced by the Australian confectioner MacRobertson's in 1924, Crerry Ripe has already established a recognizable place in the realm of FMCG industry (Choi Rifon, 2012). This very specific brand has expanded their wings in various multinational countries having around 5.6% market share allover Australia in last one year. Most popular cities of Australia such as Melbourne, Perth, Sydney are the primary target areas. People from 5 years to 40 years are the target group having different various psychological backgrounds and attitudes In order to position the brand to reach the mind of international customers Cherry Ripe has used social media platforms such as Youtbe, Facebook, Instagram and so on. Electronic media has been used to multiplying the messages about their brands (Csutora, 2012). Snikers Snikers originated from USA has spread wide wings in the market of Australia having 4% market share allover Australia in last one year. Most recognizable cities of Australia such as Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney are the primary target areas. People from 10 years to 40 years are the target group having various cultural and religious backgrounds and attitudes Both social media such as Youtbe, Facebook, Instagram as well as Electronic media have been used to multiply the messages about their brands (Grimmer Bingham, 2013). Crunchie Crunchie originated from UK has gained image and reputation in the market of Australia having around 2.5% market share in last one year. Well-known cities of Australia such as Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, are the primary target areas. People from 10 years to 30 years are the target group having various cultural backgrounds and psychological attitudes (Jalilvand Samiei, 2012). Both social media as well as Electronic media have been used for positioning the brand. Freddo Frog Freddo Frog basically originated from Australia though it is now produced by Cadburry, a British firm. However, in the market of Australia this specific brand has already occupied a prestigious place having 1.78% market share in last year. Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, are the primary target areas. People from 5 years to 30 years are the target group having various cultural backgrounds and psychological attitudes (Xiang, Magnini Fesenmaier, 2015). Both social media such as Facebook, Instagram and traditional media have been used to position the brands in various multinational countries (Metzler et al., 2012). Kit Kat Originated from UK this particular brand has already gained the attention of customers in Australian market having 4.5% market share in last year. Some of the most renowned places of Australia such as Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, are the primary target areas. People from 5 years to 30 years are the target group having different socio-cultural backgrounds and attitudes (Brodie et al., 2013). For positioning the brand to reach the mind of international customers Cherry Ripe has used social media platforms such as Youtbe, Facebook, Instagram and so on. In addition, electronic media has been used to draw the attention of various groups of people. Competitors analysis: In the above mentioned table the study has evaluated an in-depth analysis about the current market position of other competitors of Donald B and their target market. The market share analysis has helped the organization to understand current business situation of its competitors (Lee et al., 2012). However, it has been observed that the five major brand discussed above has already occupied an established position on the market of Australia. In addition, these brands have already entered in the international market as well (Csutora, 2012). In this kind of situation, Donald B can implement effective strategies and policies for giving major threats for its competitors. However, the strategies that can help to overcome the competitors market threat are as follows: Effective promotion: In order to draw the attention of customers more effectively Donald B would have to focus on enhancing their promotional budget. Social media promotions would have to be more prominent. Themarketing managers can draw the attention of people from different geographical backgrounds and attitudes by uploading video clips (Mohan, Sivakumaran Sharma, 2013). As a result, customers would get a visual treat by watching those videos. Only written promotion through crispy and catchy tagline is not effective enough for the organization to draw the attention of international customers. Enhancing the range of target market: Donald B would have to strench their hands in the international market through Woolworths, Coles and Aldi. As a result, the brand along with chocolates can render varieties of products such as confectionery, crystallized or glazed fruit, drinking chocolate, liquorices, marshmallow, candied nut, and candied popcorn. As a result, the range of target customers would be increased automatically. Applying appropriate market mix strategies: Marketing mix strategy implies significance on product, price, promotion, people and place (Tukej, Golob Podnar, 2013). This very specific theory enables the organization to focus on five Ps primarily. As a result, customers can get a clear overview about the price level of the products along with its quality. Macro-environment: Macro-environment enables the business experts to evaluate political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal factors that have major impact on the overall success of a business. Definition Explanation of the trends Demographic Demographic factor primarily includes the average gender group of people, income status and age group Australia is constituted with the people of high level of income status from both male and female backgrounds. Therefore, the organization can target both male and female customers from average level of income status (Lin Huang, 2012). Economic The inhabitants of Australia are possessed with good economic backgrounds (Kesharwani Singh Bisht, 2012). As a result, the organization like Donald B does not have to face any challenge to set the price level of their products. As the economic strength of the country is high, customers do not have to face challenges in availing the products of Donald B. Natural This particular factor signifies the environment of the country. As per environmental report Australian whether is very much feasible for running chocolate manufacturing industry. Technological Technology is the application of implementing scientific knowledge in practical purpose With the emergence of advanced technology Donald B can control the entire business process in various geographical areas by sitting in Melbourne Political Government regulations, taxation policies leave major impact for the improvement of business Government taxation policies of Australia are very much flexible for running the entire process of business (Hudson Thal, 2013). Australia is not a country of politically chaos. As a result, Donald B does not have to face difficulties in paying government taxes. Cultural Cultures differ in language, communication, values and ethics. Australia is constituted with the people of different geographical and cultural backgrounds. As a result, Donald B should implement variety of products and services based on which people would like to show their interest in using the products. Conclusion: The primary reason of conducting an effective market analysis is to get an in-depth overview about customers needs and demands. With the dynamic progress of market trend, the needs and demands of the customers changes gradually. Donald B being one of the most flourishing chocolate manufacturers of Australia has decided to tie up with Woolworths, Coles and Aldi so that business experts can easily gain the attention of customers. The very specific study has made environmental analysis of Australia with the help of which the political, economic, technological, cultural and legal factors have been evaluated. In addition, in order to give a major market threat to the existing brands of Australia producing cocoa product, confectionery, crystallized or glazed fruit, drinking chocolate, liquorices, marshmallow, candied nut, candied popcorn, Donald B has conducted competitors analysis. In addition, as a new business setup the organization may have to face immense challenges in gaining customers attention. As a result, the business experts of Donald B have decided to launch their stores on Woolworths, Coles and Aldi. As a result, the organization can grab the attention of existing customers of Woolworths, Coles and Aldi. One of the most significant advantages of creating stores in those recognized brands are maintaining effective international business. 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